الأربعاء، 19 يناير 2011

لعبة سودوكو

لعبة سودوكو وهى لعبة شعبية وجميلة ويلعبها كل الناس وعبارة عن ارقام من الرقم 1 الى الرقم 9 ويجب الانتهاء من التسع مربعات وان تضع الارقام بيها فى صف او عمود ويجب ان لا تكون متكررة وهى لعبة ممتازة للتفكير وللعقل

This is a great sudoku game for you to solve

Sudoku is a popular logical game and a very fun one that many of us of different ages enjoy playing it. Now this well known game is available on your PC ! You will be able to play unlimited new and fresh sudoku puzzles and solve them. Sudoku has very simple rules: In this game you will have a grid of numbers (1-9) and you should finish the grid by completing it with numbers.

The numbers in a row or column or group cannot repeat, you should use your logical thinking to find out what number should be in a given place. This puzzle game provides excellent training for your logical mind


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